Monday, August 21, 2006

_next LF session is Monday the 21st of August (Today)

LUSCO-FUSCO session : : : : : 21/08/2006 - 20h GMT ( TODAY )
Mayflower Steps, Barbican, Plymouth, UK

Lusco-Fusco team

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Lusco-Fusco session @Supercollider Symposium

In a tribute to Paul Dirac, the participants of the Supercollider symposium in Birmingham engaged in a 5/7 min computer music performance where only the SC Impulse function and variations would be used to generate the sound.


Friday, August 04, 2006

A inglaterra é tão colorida

A inglaterra é verde, azul, laranja, vermelho, amarelo e alguns tons de cinzento, e quase ninguém dá por isso.

Little Sound, em "Sons de Álvaro de Campos"